Split system air conditioners are fast becoming a common household component around the globe. More and more families are buying into their sleek designs, effective room air conditioning, and energy saving abilities. But if you own one of these systems, or intend to join the "cool" guys, you need to know how to get the most out of these systems. It is not strange to hear many people complain about their dissatisfaction with their split systems. What is strange, however, is that most of these people did not have an ineffective, or broken down system. What they had was a poorly strategized system. Here are some tips on how you can get the best out of split systems--both the indoor and outdoor components.
Positioning the indoor unit
Split systems should always be installed by professionals with adequate knowledge about the systems. For the indoor unit, many people fail to choose the correct position for mounting the unit. Of course you want the systems to enhance the look of the room, but you also want it at a position where its impact will be felt almost immediately. So, for a start, having the system adequately high above the room should be a priority. Remember, however, that you want the cool air trickling downwards fast, and not necessarily merely cooling the roof.
Second, try not to place the indoor unit near windows and open areas such as cracks and crevices. This will be especially bad if air movement through the openings is generally away from the room. Instead, choose a wall that ensures the cooling effect from the unit will be distributed through the room before being lost outwards. For bedrooms, you may want the unit directly above the beds to provide instant cooling for comfortable sleep.
You should be mindful about positioning the indoor unit directly where there is electrical wiring within the walls. If a leak from the system's ductwork occurs, you don't want that dripping moisture accessing your electrical wiring. Also, be careful not to have the unit near sources of airborne particles, such as vents. Systems located in such areas will need more frequent cleaning and maintenance.
Positioning the outdoor unit
As a rule-of-thumb, the outdoor compressor unit should be located in an open area for easy access during maintenance, and for free airflow. For better performance, shading your outdoor unit is advisable. While most people normally do this to protect the unit from elements such as rain and snow, when it is hot, the compressor unit may also have a difficult time effectively cooling the refrigerant that is to be cycled back into your home for cooling. To give your unit an easier time, provide shade every season.