Best Cooling Tower Maintenance Tips That Work

Good and routine maintenance of cooling towers helps to extend the life and functionality of the cooling system. It also helps in water conservation and greatly reduces the cost of electricity used by the system. Cooling tower maintenance need not be done by professionals. Performing easy routine tasks goes a long way in ensuring that you get the best out of the cooling towers. Neglected cooling towers do not perform to the optimum level and will eventually raise the water temperature, thereby increasing the cost of energy to cool the water. [Read More]

Thinking of Installing Window Security Films? Enjoy These 3 Benefits With the Tinted Version

Installing window security films is a simple, yet highly effective, way of making your home or business premises safer from intruders. Window films reinforce the glass by preventing shattering and thereby considerably discouraging break-ins. The window films are available in clear and tinted versions. While both perform their structural functions equally, the tinted version offers a lot more benefits as seen below. UV and glare protection Tinted window security films act as solar protection shields. [Read More]

Built-in Wardrobes | 4 Types of Glass Doors For Your Bedroom's Built-in Wardrobes

Built-in wardrobes afford you with plenty of storage flexibility, so you can eliminate all the clutter from your bedroom floors to give the space a flawless look. When it comes to doors for built-in wardrobes, you can choose between wood, metal and glass, allowing you to cater to your personal taste and preference. If you've decided to go with glass doors for your built-in wardrobes, you still need to narrow down on a few choices. [Read More]

How To Repair Squeaky Wooden Stair Treads

Old wooden stair treads add a touch of traditional style and beauty to a home.  Unfortunately, it's not unusual for old wooden stairs to become squeaky over time.  However, if you have a little basic DIY know-how and the right tools, repairing and replacing wooden stair treads is pretty straightforward.  This project takes just a few hours to carry out and should leave you with a silent staircase once again. [Read More]